Court proceedings in Ontario take place in English or French. Therefore, a court interpreter is necessary understand what is being said in court if you don’t speak the language of the court.
When to need a court interpreter
You may need a court interpreter if you:
- are accused of something
- agreed to take responsibility for a person accused of a crime (you are a surety)
- are a lawyer (counsel)
Related Services

Conference Interpretation
conference interpreting is the practice of conveying the meaning of a speaker's message orally and in another language to listeners who would not otherwise understand

Telephone Interpretation
Telephone interpreting connects human interpreters via telephone to individuals who wish to speak to each other but do not share a common language.

Community Interpreting
Community interpreting is the type of interpreting that is used in community-based contexts.

Medical Interpretation
Medical interpreting requires professionalism, and in-depth knowledge of the medical terminology in both languages.